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#admin #Sandy
Hi Friends, Toady I'll be giving you tips on how to Make Fake Account without email and mobile number in just 1 min. This trick is awesome guyz because you don’t need any email and mobile number for facebook sign up process. Follow InstructIon » Open 10MInute (10 min is disposal email website) »Here, this website give you a temporary email, copy this email » Open facebook.com ,fill up the form and paste email in email section. » Click on Sign Up ,your account will we created on facebook » Go to 10minutemail.com (step 1) tab and refresh the page. » now you see a mail came from facebook, open that email click on "confirm now" button and your fake facebook account process is completed. Now with this trick you can make verified fake facebook account without and email and Number. Note : Do not use this trick for any illegal purpose. vIsIt daIly
COPY ANY MYWAPBLOG DEFAULTS OR CUSTOM CSS Copy any one Mywapblog CSS, Most wanted & exclusive tips, copy Customs or default CSS of any blog Many USER Request me for A beautiful or color full CSS to give him No. I give you the boss tricks! Now you can copy any mywapblog CSS for your blog, this is cool & simply easy firstly Login Your mywapblog - themes - edit CSS, chosen your platform Mobile→Highend- mobile→Desktop 1--If Copy Anyone 1Mobile CSS @import url(http://main blog url of that person/files/mobile.css); like view from Opera mini 2 If copy 2High-end Mobile CSS @import url(http://main blog url of that person/files/mobile_highend.css); 3. If Copy Desktop CSS @import url(http://main blog Url of that person/files/desktop.css); Example:- if U copy this blog CSS, so inputs @import url(http://sanny4u.heck.in/files/mobile_highend.css); If U Any Problems, Type Comments Admin Sandeep Gupta
How To Make Stylish Name On Facebook:- Steps:- Note:- only one uppercase letter & use only one type on language Ukrainian, Russian, Cyrillic letters Next is Ukrainian alphabet and some other symbols from Russian and ancient languages. Uppercase:- А Б В Г Ґ Д Е Є Ж З И І Ї Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ь Ю Я а б в г ґ д е є ж з и і Lowercase:- ї й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ь ю я Ё Ѫ Ѧ ѳ ы ѣ Ѣ ъ ψ ξ Greek letters and characters:- Uppercase:- Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ ϴ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω ∇ Lowercase:- α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ ς σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω ∂ ϵ ϑ ϰ ϕ ϱ ϖ Połish language:- ą ć ę ł ś ó ż + all Latin (English). Africa Alphabet:- uppercase A B Б C D Ɖ E Ɛ Ǝ F Ƒ G Ɣ H X I J K L M N Ŋ O Ɔ P R S Ʃ T U V Ʋ W Y Z Ʒ lowercase a b ɓ c d ɖ e ɛ ǝ f ƒ g ɣ h x i j k l m n ŋ o ɔ p r s ʃ t u v ʋ w y z ʒ If u follow our rules your name has been successfully changed, if you are not using this rules then your facebook says this is invalid character. Please Note:-If u face any prob...
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